Law and Disorder | 2/6/19

Law & Disorder on February 6, 2019

Here is the link to the show Law & Disorder if you didn’t get a chance to hear it.

1.Question: I am suffering from neurological issues that started when I got an epidural for child birth. It’s been almost a year. I lost my insurance so I couldn’t be seen by a doctor until now. What can be done, or did I miss the statute of limitations?

Answer: The statute of limitations on medical malpractice is two years. Another doctor must testify on your behalf stating that the other doctor was negligent, and the injury was caused by malpractice. Be sure that this in fact malpractice and not a negative reaction to the medication and so forth.

2.Question: Construction company pays sick time for administration but not the field workers. Is that legal?

Answer: Companies can provide sick time to whoever they choose to. If they choose it based on race, religion, and things like that then yes you may have a suit.

3.Question: My mother has worked in a restaurant for 27 years making barely above minimum wage. She developed carpal tunnel and she has little to no feeling in her right hand. She’s 60 years of age and doesn’t have insurance. Is she eligible for disability?

Answer: She may apply for disability which is Federal, and you do not need insurance for that. She may also qualify for Workers Comp especially since she worked at the same company for a long period of time and can show it was a result of that.

4.Question: My daughter was in a car accident with no collision, just PIP. She was found at fault, has injuries with hospital bills and ongoing doctors’ appointments due a broken foot from the accident. Anything we can do to get all the medical covered?

Answer: Unfortunately, no. In the future get her on her own health insurance. You can attempt to see if the hospital can waive some of the fees due to the situation.

5.Question: Is it true if your injury case settles for less than what the attorneys’ bill you, you don’t have to owe the attorney’s fees?

Answer: Majority of attorneys works on a contingency.

6.Question: I was drugged on Fentanyl while working a music festival in Ohio. I had to purchase my own hair follicle test to prove it. What next?

Answer: It might be difficult to prove who did this to you to pursue legal action.

7.Question: I am a veteran who contacted the law firm about the 3M ear plug hearing damage lawsuit. They sent me paperwork showing 40% of the gross they say that it will be zero out of pocket and I owe nothing if I don’t win. I believe 40% is too high. What would be the norm?

Answer: Thirty-three percent is the norm before they have to file in court. If they file a complaint in court, then 40% due is normal.

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: January 9th, 2019

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: January 16th, 2019

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: December12th, 2018

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