Law and Disorder | 1/30/19

Law & Disorder on January 30, 2019

Here is the link to the Law & Disorder if you didn’t get a chance to hear it.

1.Question: I was in a car accident almost two years ago. I got initial and follow up care on my foot that was injured. However, it was mainly just x rays that didn’t tell me anything. My foot still bothers me, and it is still in a boot. Can I still file that under my car insurance if I go to the doctors since I don’t have health insurance? It has covered my visits to the ER and the other two doctor visits.

Answer: Contact an attorney as you still have injuries due to the car accident.

2.Question: When does common law kick in when you live with a woman in Florida?

Answer: Florida does not have common law marriage, but it respects other states.

3.Question: I work at a construction company, they are big on safety, but preach the practice of “triage”. To what extent is this effective and when should I file for Workers Comp.

Answer: If you are hurt, you should file for Workers Comp immediately.

4.Question: I got hit by a lady on a scooter at one of the big theme parks. Broke my leg and now the theme park says it’s not their fault as they cannot control their guests’ actions. What do I do?

Answer: Contact a lawyer.

5.Question: My old boss filed a false claim in my name on an accident because the driver who had the accident, it was his first day and he wasn’t on the insurance yet. What should I do?

Answer: You are now complicit to a crime. You need to get this corrected with your employer, even if it costs you your job.

6.Question: I had a roll over accident with a company two years ago. Can I still sue?

Answer: Yes, you can still file suit as you are still in the statute of limitations.

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: January 9th, 2019

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: January 16th, 2019

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: December12th, 2018

Jeffrey Kaufman can be found on Justia Lawyers and

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