Four Ways to Save Money at the Grocery Store

 If it feels like your grocery bill has been going up recently, it's not your imagination. According to the latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, food prices went up 7% between January 2021 and January 2022. So here are four tips to save you money at the grocery store . . .

1. Fill your pantry with basics.. things like pasta, rice, bread, canned tomatoes, frozen items. I try to keep a lot of GREAT things in my freezer that I can use and make different meals with.

2. Prepare ahead of time. Don't show up to the grocery store without a list and some ideas of what you'll be cooking for the week. I have to make a list ALWAYS!!

3. Look for deals. I know the paper might be a bit "Old School".. but a lot of grocery stores now have an AP to use. GET in on those BOGO's!

4. Tweak your menu. Meat and dairy tend to be the more expensive items at the supermarket, especially recently. So try to make more meals that don't use them as the main ingredient.


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