Law and Disorder | 9/19/18

Law & Disorder on September 19, 2018

Here is a link to the show Law & Disorder if you didn’t get a chance to hear it.

  • Question: I got an attorney and I am going to court for child custody. I still have not received a court date in over a year and now they’re getting child support from me. My attorney does not answer my calls anymore, and other attorney wants pay stubs still. What can I do?
  • Answer: If your attorney is not responding to your calls, it may be time to hire another attorney. Normally, when you call a family law attorney numerous times, you are increasing your attorney fees. Try to address all your serious questions at one time.  
  • Question: Both mine and my husbands’ bosses have been giving us a hard time about calling in sick when our son is sick. Our son is thirteen months old. My husbands’ boss complained to him saying that if he wants to work part time then he needs to find a job somewhere else. He works full time there. My boss said, “this is why we don’t hire young moms with young kids”. Do we have a suit?
  • Answer: Florida is a right to work state and they can let you go for not showing up for work. If you get fired for missing too many days because your child is sick, and you are not on the Family Medical Leave Act, then you may have a suit. 
  • Question: My ex hit me, and she was charged with domestic battery. Then when DCF got involved, she had drugs in her system. What are the chances of me getting full custody?
  • Answer: Typically, if DCF gets involved they set up a plan and if she follows through, they may give the kids back. You can go to court and inform the judge of these issues, however, if she abides by the rules of the DCF, the chances of the children being taken away are much slimmer.
  • Question: My roommate and I broke a lease together and she left the bill with me and skipped town. Any action I can take against my former roommate?
  • Answer: Yes. If two people are responsible and one person pays the bill, he may sue the other person by taking them to small claims court.
  • Question: When a school breaks an IEP (Individual Education Plan) when is it time to take legal action?
  • Answer: Suing a school takes a very long time to finalize. Try to work out the situation on your own. Be aware that you may want to hire an attorney to assist with Guardianship before the child turns 18 years of age.

Listed below are other recent shows if you missed them during the week.

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: August 8, 2018

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: August 29, 2018

Law & Disorder with Kaufman & Lynd: September 5, 2018

Jeffrey Kaufman can be found on Justia Lawyers and

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