It's back with a Workforce twist.....The List.
Each weekday at 8:00 AM we will post 5 names from the WJRR Workforce contest. The first of those 5 names to claim each day will win the daily prize. If no one claims, the prize rolls over until it is claimed. [GO HERE] to join the WJRR Workforce to get yourself in the running.
Each week one winner will win our grand prize. This week, it's a trip to the Louder Than Life festival in Kentucky.
Today's prize: 2 tickets to see Steel Panther at Plaza Live and a copy of the Guns-N-Roses Appetite For Destruction re-release on vinyl.
Workforce List for 8/14/18
- Joseph Bieu from GPS Dental Lab
- Shannon Clark from CVS Pharmacy in Deland
- Ruth Malkowski Orange County Government
- Toby Matthieu from Delta Group Electronics in Rockledge
- Britani Matthews from RLM Distribution
The first person on the list to email to claim the prize wins.
*The cutoff to claim will be 5:00 PM each day of the list.
To be in the running, you just have to enter the WJRR Workforce contest.
If you have not entered, CLICK HERE, enter.
Forget your Club 101one password? GO HERE to reset it.