Native Noise

Native Noise, your home for the best local music from the sunshine state!


Native Noise for September 30th!

Two Inch Voices - "I Am"

Two Inch Voices - "I Am"

Electric Dawn - "Centaur"

Electric Dawn

Stayne Thee Angel - "On My Way"

Stayne Thee Angel

Parallel Motion - "Light"

Parallel Motion

All Hail - "Witch Hunt"

All Hail

Chris Giles - "Let Me Know"

Chris Giles

Vapid - "Sun Soaked Shadow"


Knowing Within - "Erase My Misery"

The Knowing Within

Copper Bones - "I Am The Wolf"

Copper Bones

Sol Syren - "Edge of the Abyss:

Sol Syren

Dark Summer - "Rise"

Dark Summer