Mel Taylor

Mel Taylor

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"Job" You're More Likely to Have Based on the Month You Were Born - Crazy!

Zippia.come put out this list, bnased on stats. I can't believe my month- NOVEMBER! WTH?

January: Debt collectors and doctors.

February: Artists and traffic cops.

March: Pilots and musicians.

April: Dictators. Adolf Hitler,Saddam Hussein, andVladimir Leninwere all April babies.

May: Politicians.

June: CEOs and Nobel Prize winners. Those might be the best ones on the list.

July: Bricklayers and train drivers.

August: Bricklayers again. 

September: Athletes and physicists.

October: Not a job, but you're more likely to live to be 100 years old.

November: Serial killers and schizophrenics. Again, not jobs.

December: Dentists. 


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