Chipotle & B.A.S.E. Camp Children's Cancer Foundation Fundraiser!

On Wednesday, August 30th 1/2 of every total check at Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurants across Orlando will go directly to support BASE CAMP Children's Cancer Foundation! 

All day at Orlando restaurants, your listeners can make sure 50% of their total bill goes BASE CAMP, a non-profit organization committed to creating a hunger-free world, by doing one of the following before paying the bill:

--Showing the fundraiser flyer below to the cashier

--Pulling up the fundraiser social post promoting the BASE Camp fundraiser on Chipotle Mexican Grills or WJRR Facebook page

--Telling the cashier they want to support the BASE CAMP fundraiser 

Remember, online orders count too for the BASE CAMP fundraiser. You just have to pay for your meal when you go in and pick-up at the restaurant. Let the cashier know that you are there to support the BASE Camp Fundraiser!

Chipotle locations