United Airlines Pilot Attacked a Parking Arm with an Axe

He told police he'd just "hit his breaking point"

A United Airlines pilot is facing charges after he used an AXE to attack a wooden parking arm at the Denver airport this month. His name is Kenneth Jones, and he's 63. It happened on August 2nd, but the security footage just came out. He was in an employee parking lot that tends to have long lines. And for whatever reason, he had an axe in his trunk. So he grabbed the axe and started chopping. He took 23 swings before the wooden arm finally fell off. Two airport employees caught up with him and wrestled the axe away. Then cops arrested him in a nearby field. He told them he'd just "hit his breaking point." United says he's been put on leave while they do an internal investigation. Normally, he's rated to fly large jets like 767s that seat around 200 people. He's due in court next month to face criminal mischief charges. The airport says he caused around $700 in damage.